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Our Mission:
- To raise the awareness of brain health;
- To promote Brain Beat Dance, beneficial to people of all ages in their brain health and physical fitness;
- To unite all brain beat dance trained instructors of all culture, all races and all over the world;
- To share information for the mutual benefit of the members;
- To contribute to development of more brain beat dances focusing on stimulation of brain cells , joy, body coordination with safe movement;
- To motivate members in enhancing their teaching approach, communication and organizational skills;
- To provide a forum for members to practice and demonstrate brain beat dance;
- To work with different communities and organizations in promoting brain health through brain beat dance;
- To do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the association;
- To work towards at having many trained certified or general instructors of all culture, all races and all over the world.
- 增加大眾認知大腦健康之重要
- 推廣腦保健舞對人, 不論年紀, 都在腦部記憶及身體也得益
- 聯系全球不同族裔的腦保健導師
- 讓會員互相有分享資訊經驗
- 編排更多腦保健舞為鍛練記憶力和專注力、增強身體之協調及四肢之靈活性
- 推動會員在教授時進修教授技巧、組識及溝通能力
- 設平臺給會員示範及練習 腦保健舞
- 與社區及其他團體一同推廣腦保健舞
- 致力一切符合邁進本學會宗旨的活動
- 致力增加更多腦保健舞文憑導師